With everything going on, we have been making it a point to get outside. We are either going on a scooter ride, bike ride, walk, or playing in the dirt and working in the garden. 

As I mentioned yesterday, our back-back yard was overtaken by tons of ants since we had disrupted their home since we have been getting the back cleaned up and ready for our garden. After speaking to our neighbor, she left another nice gift on our patio for us. We got to use the Manual Fruit Squeezer/Juicer after we got a bunch of Meyers Lemons from our back yard. Julian had SO much fun squeezing them and it made so much juice! We were able to full up a whole spray bottle so that we can use it to spray small batches of ants away when we head back into the back-back yard this weekend! 


We are lucky that we didn't have too cold of a Winter last year so that the Meyers lemons are still growing and hanging in there almost all year round. We headed back to make sure to water the tree so they continue to grow where we ended up finding a beautiful ladybug! Julian was so excited and I told him that it meant good luck! 

Julian has had so much fun being a boy and getting dirty! I'm so excited that we get to do this together and that the weather has been nice enough to get outside. We also noticed that our Radish seedlings were ready to be planted. It had not even been 24 hours! So we went ahead and got that ready too!

I also want to come up with a cute DIY project to where we make Vegetable tags so that way we know what is growing where when we have planted it. For now, since the garden isn't quite ready yet we went ahead and used a pot to start growing our radishes, and we can always transplant them when the garden is ready!


I think once Julian takes a nap -- which the fresh air & activities does WONDERS, I will research some ideas on Pinterest to come up with our next project to make the vegetable tags for the garden. When we start that project I will be sure to share it with all of you! We also are thinking about going on a hunt for more rocks to paint again since that was so much fun for the entire family! I hope you all are enjoying the nice weather and hanging in there during this quarantine time! 

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