A Little Pick Me Up

The past few days have been rough for this little dude. We are a week out from him turning 3, and he has a runny nose, crazy mood swings (because threenager), and has been refusing naps and going to bed on time. But tonight, tonight was a game changer. A box full of goodies from Picasso Tiles showed up on our doorstep. We couldn’t even get through dinner. We went upstairs, opened the boxes, and he squealed. Julian received the Nuts and Bolts Building Blocks and Tractor Toy set and he is on Cloud9.

I have not heard a peep except his squeals and sound effects from building with the blocks. Thank you Picasso Tiles for making toys where our kids can use their imagination.  Julian loves the Tractor toy because it comes with its own kid friendly screw driver that can be used to take the tires on and off. For some reason my son has loved removing tires off all his car toys, but at least with this toy that is exactly what you do! As far as the nuts and bolts goes, it also comes with a set of wheels, and you can leave it up to your little ones to use their own imagination on what to build. Not only that, but clean up is so easy because it comes with its own box to store in when not being played with. As soon as we say time to clean up, Julian grabs the box, fills it all up, and puts it away. Perfect for kids to carry to their friends house too because of the handle.

To get your own, be sure to shop on Amazon. I have the following direct links for you to get your own kiddo their very own!

*Thank you to Picasso Tiles for sponsoring this post. All opinions are of my own. I love this company and I am delighted to share their products with you. **

To Purchase on Amazon:

Nuts and Bolts Building Blocks and Tractor Toy set

The post A Little Pick Me Up! appeared first on Hippie Chick Design Studio.

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