Parabo Press Holiday Tradition!

During this time of year, you are logging onto the computer and your computer screen fills up with tons of ads and ideas of the best gifts to get someone. If you haven't heard of Parabo Press, that was me a year ago. I am excited to be the one to get to share with you a wonderful company that you will continue to go to for all your needs for gifts for anyone in your life! 

For starts, Parabo is known for their "square prints" .. and you get to pick out 25 of your favorite photos to get made into square prints for free each time you order! It isn't something that you need a coupon or a code for -- it is that amazing! For us, this is the fun part. We love opening up our order each time and looking through all the photos we have. 

Although Julian is in most of the photos, it is so fun to get to see him in all the different costumes he has worn and all the fun items he has gotten over the year from the companies we have worked with. His favorite part, is spreading them out all over the floor like a deck of cards and shuffling through each one and say "mommy, remember _____"! It's my favorite.

With Christmas right around the corner. I started to think about what to get my in-laws since they live in Texas and don't get to see Julian as often as they wish. My mother in law always love receiving photos of Julian and I just knew I had to get something photography related. I hopped on the Parabo Press website and these are the following these that I ordered! 

  • 2 Desk Calendars - for my mother & father in law
  • Washi Tape - 2 different sets with fun colors & prints. I love Washi tape because it is so universal. You can use it to hang photos, or like shown below it is perfect for sticking photos in Christmas cards to sent to friends and family.
  • Wood Blocks - These actually hold up the square prints, and really make any room pop. 

So we opened everything up that we got, and we started putting everything together to be wrapped up and shipped out to family. We also thought about getting creative and since we had so many of the square prints (LOVE!!!) we decided since we hadn't time to take family Holiday photos that we would enclose one in each of our Holiday cards to friends and family. See below on a fun way to do this with the Washi tape!

Because I know that you too will love Parabo Press, I want to share with you my code for 30% off anything "JUL30". This code expires December 13th, so don't wait.. especially in order to receive your items before Christmas! Be sure to click HERE to shop! 

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